Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Were 30!!!!!!
Lots has been happening around our house. Me and Neil have both turned 30 in the last month. Crazy huh? We have to grow up now I think. The kids are getting bigger by the minute. Haley now moves, scoots and rolls all over the floor. Her newest thing is to prop herself up on the back of her head and scoot around with her feet. She is trying very hard to crawl and gets up on her hands and knees but doesn't get very far. Jackson is content to lay in place and observe the world. When he feels like it, he rolls over and looks from a different angle. His favorite thing to do play with his daddy and they both love to swing and go jogging with mom every morning. It keeps them both quiet and happy for 45 minutes!!!! yea.
Neil did a triathalon at Echo resevoir. It is 800 meter swim. 12 mile bike and 5k run. He was awesome. He is trying to convince me to do one with him in november, but I am trying to still hold onto the excuse of just having had twins and not in shape to do it as long as I can. I did recently start doing yoga which is helping aleviate the aches from carrying the twins around all the time. It is great. Neil says I have to come to bed now so I will finish later. Ha ha.

Jackson is showing off his new teeth

All pooped out


The boyz

Neils cheering section


Unknown said...

Way to go, Neil! I keep telling Damond that he should do a triathalon, but I think he is still recovering from his marathon :)

The twins are getting so big!!!!! I cannot believe how much they have grown. This is my favorite age, when they are starting to move around and explore the world, they still like to cuddle, and are just so darn cute!

Glad to hear things are going well!

Jaime said...

Cute pictures Michelle. I had our little girl, check our blog for pictures. ;)

James and Summer said...

wow - don't check for 2 weeks and all of the sudden - i'm behind!
you guys have been busy! way to go Neil! and the twins are soooooo adorable! I can't believe they have teeth already - yea for you :S
I love this stage! they are getting enough control of their bodies to move around - but not yet empty all the cupboards or get into make up :).
take care,

Heather said...

I can't believe the teeth! So cute!

Mom to the Fourth Power said...

Happy Belated Birthday to you two!! I love checking in and seeing pics of your adorable babies! =)

...m a n d i ... said...

you guys have the cutest pictures! Tell Neil Congrats on the Triathalon..i'd like to do one of those soon!

krista said...

Congrats on the triathalon, that's very impressive! And Happy Belated Birthday to both of you, I hope you had a big celebration for turning 30!

Heather said...

Meesh! You need a new post! I bet your kids are HUGE now! New pics please!